Lectures and Presentations
- “Setting Aside Proceedings against a State-Owned Entity in Turkey” in 6th Baltic Arbitration Days organized by DIS (Deutsche Institution für Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit) in Riga
- “Enforcement of Arbitral Awards and Post-Award Legal Remedies”, in arbitration counsel training course organized by ISTAC and the Union of Turkish Bar Associations
- “Enforcement of Arbitral Awards and Post-Award Legal Remedies”, in arbitration counsel training course organized by ISTAC
- “ICC Rules on Complex Arbitrations”, ICC Young Arbitrators Forum (ICC YAF) Event
- “Grounds for Setting-Aside of Arbitral Awards and How to Avoid Them”, in arbitrator training course organized by ISTAC
- “Tips on Arbitrating with Multiple Parties and Multiple Contracts and Constitution of the Arbitral Tribunal (ICC Rules, Articles 7-10)”, ICC Young Arbitrators Forum Event
- “Arbitration Agreements Concluded by Agents and the Specific Authority Issue”, in the symposium on “Arbitration Agreement” organized by Galatasaray University Law Faculty
- “Third Party Funding in International Arbitration” in the panel organized by Kadir Has University Law Faculty
- Arbitral Tribunal Secretary Training, organized by ISTAC
- “International Commercial Arbitration”, guest lecturer in Bilkent University Law Faculty
- “Execution of Arbitration Agreements through Representatives”, guest lecturer in Bahcesehir University Law Faculty
- “Arbitration Agreement”, in the event organized by Young ISTAC
- “Representing the Claimant in ITOTAM Arbitration”, in the event organized by Istanbul Bar Association Arbitration Center
- “Distributorship Agreements and Arbitration”, in the panel organized by Young ISTAC
- “Arbitration Agreement”, in the Summer Law School organized by ELSA
- “International Commercial Arbitration”, guest lecturer in Fatih Sultan Mehmet University Law Faculty
- “Execution of Arbitration Agreements through Representatives”, Arbitration School, jointly organized by ISTAC and Marmara University Law Faculty
- Inaugural speech in Themis Court Simulations organized by Kadir Has University Law Faculty
- “International Commercial Arbitration”, guest lecturer in Kadir Has University Law Faculty
- “Arbitration Agreement”, in the Summer Law School organized by ELSA
- “International Commercial Arbitration”, guest lecturer in Kadir Has University Law Faculty